true's mini acrylic sign addon

better manual will be coming soon. until then:

standard and wide width units use the same firmware and controls.

- use buttons to switch between different programs
- press and hold both buttons to enter editor mode
- left button will change edit page (1-4) as shown by flashing LED
- right button will increment looping 8-bit value
- press and hold both buttons within editor to save and exit

whichever program is last edited will be the default program
to run when powered up next time.

if you want to hack on the code, download from this site
and use within simplicity studio from silicon labs.

this will require keil activation, but this is free and public
email addresses like mailinator work.

program and variable list:

- prog0: single color
-- 1: hue
-- 2: saturation
-- 3: value
-- 4: bits 7..1: breathing rate; 0: breathing enabled

- prog1: rainbow
-- 1: hue increment amount (apparent speed and direction)
-- 3: value

- prog2: flicker
-- 1: hue
-- 2: saturation
-- 3: max value
-- 4: bits 7..4: threshold; 3..1: rate, 0: all LEDs flicker at the same time

- prog3: fading pulse train
-- 1: hue
-- 2: offset: bit 7: direction; 6..1: offset; 0: desaturate
-- 3: value: 7..1: value, 0: random color
-- 4: config: 7..4: fade speed, 3..0: pulse offset

- prog4: random
-- 1: speed / delay
-- 2: minimum value
-- 3: maximum value
-- 4: mode: 0, 1: random LED lights, 2: light in order LtR, 3: light in order RtL
      (on normal units, values 2 and 3 are effectively the same)

- prog5 through prog7 can be programmed by the user
-- are currently set to null program, will do nothing